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Wednesday 20 August 2014

Flappy Bird Creator Unveils His Next Game - Swing Copters

Flappy Bird Creator Unveils His Next Game - Swing Copters
After the unexpected success of Flappy Bird, creator Dong Nguyen faced intense scrutiny, which led to him eventually pulling his game from the App Store and Google Play
The Interface is also quite good
The Character
In Flappy Bird, the player taps to make a bird flap and rise, piloting it through small gaps in a pipe. In Swing Copters, the player taps to reverse the horizontal direction of a bug-eyed peanut of a creature wearing a helicopter’s rotor, weaving back and forth to maneuver the character through gaps in scaffolds flanked by swinging mallets. The novice player will be forgiven for thinkingSwing Copters is just Flappy Bird oriented vertically. It certainly looks that way; even the interfaces, the score display, and the visual style match almost completely. But those similarities only help make the strong contrast between the two games more evident.

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