SEOUL: Samsung Electronics slapped a $13,000 price tag on its first curved, super-thin
OLED television to go on sale, the same price as rival LG Electronics and one that underscores the high costs of the technology.
Samsung is hoping that its success with OLED screens in smart phones such as its Galaxy S4 will also pay off in TVs, but consumers interested its 55-inch screen television must be willing to pay some five times more than popular flat-screen equivalents."We have just introduced our first OLED TV and have to see consumer response to gauge overall market demand," Kim Hyunsuk, a Samsung executive vice president, told reporters.
Research firm DisplaySearch has forecast global industry-wide sales of OLED televisions at 50,000 this year, at 600,000 next year and rapid growth thereafter to reach 7 million in 2016.
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