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Tuesday 25 June 2013

How to build your own Gaming PC for Rs 26,000

How to build your own Gaming PC for Rs 26,000

                    By:Abhishek Gidde

considering you want a gaming rig, we suggest you build your computer around a graphic card. And given your budget, the AMD HD 7770 1GB (Rs 9,000 approx) is a good option. It can handle most games at FullHD - and even the graphic-intensive Battlefield 3 runs smoothly, albeit at reduced settings.
For your processor you can choose the entry-level Intel Pentium G2020 processor (Rs 3,800 approx), or if you want more horsepower, Intel's Core i3 3220 (Rs 7,000).
Pick up an ASUS P8B75-M LX motherboard (Rs 4,200); a 500GB hard disk from Seagate or Western Digital (Rs 3,200); and 4GB DDR3 RAM from Transcend or Kingston (Rs 1,800).
For your chassis and power supply unit, we recommend the Cooler Master Elite 344 (Rs 1,900) and the Corsair VS350 (Rs 2,200), respectively. And you can buy an LG or Samsung internal DVD drive (Rs 1,000).          Composed By : Abhishek Gidde

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